Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Luke has had a virus of some type for the last couple of days. As a result, he has been waking up in the night every couple of hours and screaming. I have been able to get a broken 6-7 hours of sleep, but Rachel (oh, you wonderful woman!!!) hasn't been quite so lucky as she gets up for each whimper and snurp (a favorite term from Knuffle Bunny). Anyway, I think he is on the downhill side of the virus now and will be well by the weekend so we can go celebrate my birthday early with Mom and Dad (my B-day is actually August 15th...I'll be 31). There is nothing quite as heart-breaking, nerve-wracking, and sleep-depriving as a sick baby. I'm glad to help take care of the poor little guy and just hope he gets better very soon.


tnmommieof2 said...

boy do i know exactly where you are coming from. for the most part, Isaac has been pretty healthy, except for bouts of strep throat and the 3 times he's been hospitalized. but sir Caleb on the other hand..as you all well know, has been one sick little boy.
there have been many a nite when matt and i would take turns sleeping with him on our chests so he could breathe. and the asthma attacks...those are nooo fun.
i do hope Luke gets well...i am praying for him...

bigsip said...

Thanks, Julianna. I really feel bad for little Caleb. I can't imagine how scary the asthma must be for all of you. Caleb, Isaac and your family are in our prayers as well.

lilsip said...

I've had asthma since I was five. Can Caleb use an inhaler, or is he too young?

bigsip said...

Woohoo! Luke slept through the night last night. I did hear him wwake up once, but Rachel got him to go right back to sleep. He was pretty much completely well last night before bed. Thanks for all the prayers!

tnmommieof2 said...

yeah caleb uses an inhaler, two of them actually. he has an inhaler that he has to use every nite, and then he also has an emergency inhaler for attacks. we have a breathing machine that we sometimes use, but the inhaler works fairly well. its funny, whenever caleb sees the inhaler he wants to hold it and puts it in his mouth and kinda makes this puffing sound...he has already learned what it is for. he also takes singular every nite before bed. its neat, its in a powder form and we just put it in some juice or milk and he's none the wiser.

i'm sooo glad Luke is better. there is nothing worse than a sick child. and viruses are the stinkiest of all cuz you can't take any meds for those...i hate hearing those words.."you'll have to let it run its course..."

bigsip said...

Thankfully, it ran its course in two days. Rachel had really bad asthma when she was a little girl. She was in pretty much the same situation as Caleb, except they didn't have the new treatments like they do now. She only really has to use an emergency inhaler now, but she did use Advair till she got pregnant. After we have our next baby(ies) and she finishes nursing, she'll probably go back to tht since it's a continuous sort of help to her. I say all of this only to bring up the point that there is hope that Caleb will mostly grow out of the asthma and that there are tons of treatments available for him now and in the future. We'll continue to keep him and all of y'all in our prayers. God is with him, Julianna!

mullinz8 said...

You have to understand something. The only reason Jules wants Caleb to feel better and get beyond the Asthma is because when he does, and he's a bit older, I've said we could get a dog. Jules is jonesing for a lap lizard.
Actually I think the kid will get better and grow out of the whole thing in a couple of years. There are so many things that can trigger an attack, sometimes a summer day has enough junk in the air that just being outside can start him wheezing.

bigsip said...

Yeah, asthma is one of those amorphous conditions, man. Attacks come on like a tidal wave. Dogs are great! Can be a mess, though. Hair gets everywhere, but if you can handle it and clean often enough, it's not so bad. He'll probably grow out of it soon and y'all can have the bow wow.

Diana said...

How about a hairless cat!!?!!
I'm so glad Luke is better!

bigsip said...

Me too! BTW, it isn't cat hair that people are allergic to. It's cat spit! That's right, there's an enzyme in cat saliva that people are allergic, to. Scientists have found a way to genetically engineer hypoallergenic cats without the enzyme. It doesn't adversely affect the cat and people aren't allergic! So, a hairless cat would still bring in allergens...Just another of Sip's useless fun facts.

tnmommieof2 said...

sipper you are a wealth of knowledge, however useless it might be. i think it's great to have random facts floating around in your head. makes for a great game of trivial pursuit

bigsip said...

LOL...I was Jamison's "phone-a-friend" for a game of TP one evening. We were having a big family gatheringover at our place and he called and asked this question: "At the stop-off points along the Tour de Avignon (I think that's it, anyway) what beverage is traditionally served?" My answer was either wine or coffee...I said go with wine and Jamison got it! I love that game!