Tuesday, August 09, 2005

"Our D-I-V-O-R-C-E... Becomes Final Today"

Name the singer of the title and you win...

Here is something that depressed me. Working in a school, I see this more than most of you. Most folks who aren't in circles where divorce happens alot probably think that it DOESN'T happen alot. But it does.

We have an online program at school that interfaces with our gradebooks and teachers ciriculums so that parents can keep a close eye on their kids grades and homework. Parents love it.

Each student has a login account, and there is generally one login for the parents. At least once a week, I have a "newly divorced" parent contact me wishing to have their own login account for this program, because they just got divorced.

I must have 1.5 times more parent logins than student logins. No lie, WELL over 50% of the families in this school are either divorced, or remarried.

What will it be like when this generation grows up. Heck, my niece is one of these kids now! It is like a fad! My wife works with a guy who got married and then divorced a week later!


And what is with these "Interest ONly" mortgage loans? A $200,000 homes payment is like $400 a month?!?!? When do you pay it off? And a house is an investment for most folks, for these people, they will have to die in the home to make it worth the purchase!!!
Sorry, little rant there. ALl this land being torn up and getting cheaply-built homes slapped on top of them because of all these insane loan scams.


tnmommieof2 said...

that would be ms tammy wynette..celebrating her leaving george jones...

JS said...

the song makes me cry.... i would hardly call it a celebration. Perhaps it was good to get away from an alcoholic, but it is the child in the song that we all feel bad for.

mullinz8 said...

I remember as a kid feeling very alone because my folks were getting divorced. I didn't know anyone who had divorced parents. By the time I was in high school almost half of my friends had divorced parents. When I went to FU I was shocked to find that all of your folks were still married. You can phone in your marriage or work at it. Working at it isn't always the funniest because every disagreement hurts a little bit but once you get through the hick up its wonderful. Divorce is like suicide to solve a bad grade in school, it's a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Most marriages face a collection of little problems that accumulate into one large problem. If you can fix the little things as they happen then you don't have to deal with a snow ball of unresolved issues. Plus it costs a fortune and who can afford that?!

tnmommieof2 said...

yeah, i wasn't really meaning a "celebration". i remember my mom telling me a story about being at a family reunion right after her divorce from my dad was final and she and her cousin were singing this song and were laughing and stuff. being a child of divorce is tough, but divorcing my dad under the circumstances was the best thing for my mom.

bigsip said...

Yep, it's everywhere and it's sad. I'm proud to see two folks from broken homes succeeding in their own marriage. My mother-in-law and father-in-law have managed to do the same for 25 years both being children of divorce. I gues some people learn from it while some folks aren't students of history.

Diana said...

Hi, my name is Diana and my parents are divorced.
(Hi, Diana)
How old were you guys?

tnmommieof2 said...

i was 5 when my folks divorced, 6 when my mom remarried. my bio-dad,
as i so lovingly referred to him, was sent to prison when they split.
just to give you a brief history since most everyone else on here knows about it...my dad "fell in love" with a 13 year old girl from our youth group..he was 30 something at the time. they carried on an affair for quite some time and it was easy b/c she was my sitter. she went missing one nite, her parents knew she wouldn't run away...my dad came to her house and took her to a motel. they were going to move to florida and take me with them. the cops came to my house asking my dad questions...he told them he had no idea where she was(lie) her parents had gone thru her room and found letters my dad had written her. so when he told them he didn't know where she was, they arrested him on the spot..charged him with statutory rape and kidnapping. sooo..needless to say we were never that close. my stepdad(who eventually adopted me when i was 18) is great though.

JS said...

Jules, my love.. there needs to be a movie made about your life... lifetime, ABC Family, or something like that... it will have to involve the hit and run, and of course Mullins, and of course me.

Youa re one tough gal, i love you!

tnmommieof2 said...

i love you too jamison!!! and yes, the movie would have to include the line "is that new kids on the block on your watch?"

JS said...

oh, and I could be one of the bad guys... me and stubbs will be like "Oh now, we have to work with a girl... is that "the girl"? and so on, and so forth...

tnmommieof2 said...

LOL @ you sweetie!!!

JS said...

would the character of Dalva have a roll in the movie?

Diana said...

WOW. geez, louise. I'm glad you had a happy ending. Do you remember all this?

Diana said...

Hit and run???

JS said...

LOL, yeah! See? She needs a movie, or she needs to AT LEAST write a book! Mullins can stick a fork in Jules leg and she wont feel it due to the hit and run!

bigsip said...

Heck yeah she should write a book! You read enough, Jules. You could whip up quite a memoir, I'm sure!

tnmommieof2 said...

hit and run explaintion:
i was crossing the street to get on the school bus in 2nd grade and i was hit by a car. broke my leg, in hospital for 3 weeks, in body cast for 6 weeks...girl who hit me ran the stop sign on the bus and didn't even get a ticket.
fork in leg explaination:
the first time i ever met matt's VERY consertive grandma and mom he showed them my parlor trick...(due to the broken leg and subsequent surgery..i have no feeling on the right side of my right knee....) so matt proceeds to say "hey look at this...and grabs a fork and sticks it into my leg!!!" i was mortified!!!!! but i'm still in the family so i guess it didn't gross them out too bad...

JS said...

I love that story... not because you get hit by a car, but becasue the ending is SOOO MULLINS!!!! And when the listener hears the story, they have a forwn on their face and feel all sorry and stuff, then the punchline is delivered and they laugh! Emotional roller coaster!

mullinz8 said...

Everyone needs some sort of trick they can use to break the ice. My grandmother is very conservative and old school c.o.C, anyway Jules and I are sitting around the dinner table and somehow getting squished by a car comes up and I get really excited and say, "Watch This!", grab a fork and proceed to start stabbing my lovely girlfriend. The color leaves my grandmothers face as she begins shaking her head in disapproval of my behavior and my mother sits mortified that she's birthed such a child. I thought it was great and it proved that Jules could stick with the absurd and roll with the punches.

JS said...

I think the only parlor trick I have with my wife is her scabbed up skin from a car wreck she had about 10 years ago... it does break the ice and she gets to explain how she got it.

mullinz8 said...

I've got to say that I've always wondered and have never been around to hear an explanation.

bigsip said...

Wow, you guys are so lucky to have wives with strange physical attributes. I wish my wife had a broken leg and scabs...OK, I'm joking, honey! I love you just the way you are! I do have cool stories to tell about my Mom, though. She and my Dad got married in-part due to an incident where she was kicked in the leg by a horse. She had to have several surgeries and had to wear a leg-cast for 2 years...still has a big dent in her shin from it. I'll try to relat the whole story later.

mullinz8 said...

Sipper you've got to start a new post and tell how a broken leg nictitates a marriage.

JS said...

i want to tell my wifes arm story, but i am so tired, can only type for so loing before I ....

bigsip said...

Nictitate means literally "to wink".