Monday, August 01, 2005

Keeping Up With The Brewsters

As requested, here is a brief rundown on the Brewster’s lives over the next little bit. Today we are headed to Bloomington to do a little house hunting. Unfortunately, this may be difficult. Being a university town, any rental choices are taken pretty quickly by students. In fact, pretty much everything is rented on an August to August basis because of the university. Which means that if you want to rent a house, you need to start looking in May for an August rental. At this point most of the good places shall be rented already.

Tomorrow I will be talking to my old boss to see if I can have my job back. It looks like she doesn’t have a supervisor position available, so I may have to go back to the phones. Although she did state that two of her supervisors were out on maternity leave, so I may be able to pick up some non-calling duties. It’s funny though, because as much as I don’t want on the phone, the idea of doing supervisor duties with non-supervisor pay irks me to no end. I’m going to push for a higher pay rate considering my three years of experience.

Amy has one last year of course work. She actually only has two classes left, German and Latin, I think. In September she will be taking the exams she put off taking from last September and then again in January. These are big time exams. She has to take 5 of them at about 3 hours per exam. If she fails any of them she will have retakes in January. If she fails again she is out of the program. She has done a fairly poor job of studying so far, so keep her in your prayers so that she can get down to it in August.

Passing her exams she will have completed her studies in May. All that she’ll have left at that point is the dissertation. She will also be out of funding in May as well, thus will begin the job searching. Many universities will hire professors when all they have left is the dissertation with the caveat that the dissertation will be completed within a certain time period.

Landing a professor job is pretty tough. It is a very cut throat field. Generally it works to where a new professor will take a two year position at a university to get some experience and then move somewhere else for a couple of more years. After about ten years, if you have continued teaching, and managed to get a long with a department you might be able to land a tenured position. It is at this point that the money becomes reasonable. Of course, though all of this you must be publishing articles in various journals.

Amy is looking to not get to involve in all of those aspects. She wants to teach at a smaller university, or at least one that has a smaller language department. She really just wants to teach, and not deal so much with anything prestigious or demanding. Ultimately, she’d love to get a job at Freed Hardeman, or any of the C of C schools. The problem with all of them is that they usually have little to no language departments. This is partially why she wants to get on at one of them. She has always said it is foolish to have large departments dedicated to missionaries, but not actually teach them the language to the culture they will be doing the work in.

Barring a Christian school, she will look at any of the smaller universities around the country, or even larger universities with more humble language departments. Hopefully, somewhere in the south.

Me, I’ll just tag along wherever she goes and land one job or another. Being in France have given me the itch to do “something.” I’ve pretty much given up on finding a job I love and all that. But I would like to start taking some different classes, maybe in writing or film studies. Not for anything but my own pleasure.

Well that’s our little bit of life.


bigsip said...

Wow...busy Brewsters! Well, here's my two-cents...You can do it! We'll pray for y'all, especially Amy Beth and her studies. It's good that she's getting all this education out of the way before y'all have babies. I don't know if I'll ever get back around to my PhD, but if I don't, it's OK. I never intended to get into computer software, but it looks like that's where the Lord wants me, so I'll stay with the biz as long as I can. I figure I can work the 40-hours and still have time to write and stuff. You, my friend, can do the same. It's strange how things turn out sometimes. Who knows where Amy's career will lead y'all!??! It's exciting, I must say.

JS said...

thanks for the update brew! FHU does have a language dept, so I have heard, mostly focusing in spanish though.

Diana said...

Yeah, lots of smaller colleges focus on Spanish. They made me take Spanish because apparently I'll need to know it to be a teacher. I'm in my third Spanish class now and am no closer to being able to communicate with foreign students...
She can go to Coastal!!!!!!

bigsip said...

Para ejuda en Espaniole, marque nueve'! Si, Espaniole es predominatos de la lingua en Mondo Gordo. OK, so I don't really speak Spanish...I speak Sesame Street Spanish pretty well, though!! Start a Fench dept at FHU, man. Foreign languages are going to become increasingly important within the next few decades. Who knows what'll come about in educational institutions in the meantime?

Mat Brewster said...

Amy is definitely going to have to learn spanish. I think I'll take the classes with her.

I'm getting my old job back. Amazingly, all the other supervisors said that the boss lady was saying no way can I get a supervisor position b/c they aren't available. Then today she was all like I can have it. Woo hoo.

We're taking an apartment. We looked at tons of houses which were either too expensive ($1200/month or more) or really dumpy. We did find one that was really nice and not too pricey. However the yard was too shady for a garden, and too close to a highway to let the cat out. So we decided to save a couple of hundred bucks and go with the apartment.

bigsip said...

Great news on the job! You're doing the right thing by taking the apartment, man. It'll be far more convenient and cheaper for now. Otherwise, you have to mow, fix stuff (whether you have a landlord or not), and there are other surprises that pop up and cost you money. You can get some pots and planters to set up a fine little garden on your porch/balcony at the apt. Anyway, congrats all around!

Diana said...

Sesame street Spanist, lol.
Jesus le dijo, "yo soy el camino y la verdad y la vida. Nadie viene al padre sin por mi."
I actually remember that from high school....

bigsip said...

Hey, that'ss Biblical! Cool! What is that, Matthew 26:39? Or is it the same verse from another Gospel? Anyway, yeah, I only pick up little bits and peices of different languages. I worked with Linguists for 4 years and picked up some weird and cool Middle-Eastern language stuff. That was fun.