Thursday, August 18, 2005


The C&H post and the last post I made got me thinking about another aspect of the emergent conversation/postmodern thought pattern that has come to light recently. One aspect of this philosophy is environmental conservation. However, the idea isn't spoken of in a secular way. What I mean is that these guys believe that we are supposed to turn the world into some sort of utopia so that Jesus will return and set up His Kingdom on Earth! It all sounds very Jehovah's Witness if you ask me. My view is that we shouldn't go too far either way. To be focussed on the world is not what we are called to do in the Bible. We are to look forward to Christ's coming and the end of the world, or as it says at the end of Revelation "Lord, come quickly" (marana tha). Yet, God has given us many blessings and we are to be good stewards of these. So, we have to strike a balance. If you go too far toward the world beeing our home, you can't set you mind on "things above" and if you say, "Well, this place is just temporary, we can trash it," then you're making light of God's blessings to all people. Anyway, it just got me thinking and so I posted this rambling.

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