Monday, July 18, 2005

Think this is enough money to retire on?

If only I had thought of Harry Potter first...

I love the series, but I cant help but think that this chick just barrowed alot of inspiration from the LOTR series... I mean heck, look at her pen name for crying outloud! "JK ROWLING"... same sylables as JR Tolkien... oh well, no crime against inspiration, and I do love the stories...


mullinz8 said...

who needs all that money? I mean what sort of loser would you want to be to want to live on easy street for the rest of your life. how boring.

bigsip said...

Well said, Mullins. I am that loser, though. Heck, if my books ever took off like that, I don't know what I'd do!

JS said...

I guess id get to go to Ashville and stay in the grove park inn withOUT having to carry around a heavy camera... then again, id have enough money to carry all the heavy cameras I wanted to if the desire should move me...

but 36 millions is enough for a lifetime for me... per day and id probably die of a stroke.

bigsip said...

i have thought about it many times and considered how much i would need to make to live comfortably off the interest for the rest of my life. $3 million would set you up pretty well. At 2% interest, that's $60,000 a year. I could live comfortably on that. Of course, $4 million would mean $80,000 a year, and that's even better! But 36 mill, is like 720,000...holy cow!!!

Mat Brewster said...

I give up. Add links like you want, I don't care anymore.

I wouldn't want all that money or fame. Too much inclusion into your privacy and too many hands sticking out for a cut.

Elsewhere in America another group of people are sitting around talking about how great it would be to make even $30,000 a year...

bigsip said...

True dat. Money brings with it difficulties beyond measure. I take on the same attitude my Dad always has. "The Lord must not want me to be rich monetarily. He probably knows I couldn't handle it." Tis a truism that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needled than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. I count myself blessed! Who knows what I might become if I had all that money?!?!?!

JS said...

"To him who much is given, much is expected..." or something like that

bigsip said...

True again...I tell myself that if I ever had all that money, I would use it all to help people and give lots to the church and help my family. But, I wonder if I would just become selfish and paranoid? I would rather be a regular working stiff for the rest of my life than someone who alienates people out of fear or greed. Of course, I suppose that one could be altruistic, help people, and stay true to themselves, but it would be difficult and the ego would need to be kept in check at all times. That would be REALLY hard for me!

Mat Brewster said...

I wouldn't mind having a nice steady allowance. Nothing too rich, and definitely not famous. Just enough to live well and not have to live through the grind.