Thursday, July 21, 2005

Familiar Strangers

The oddest thing happens to me at least twice a week...
I will be driving on one part of town, and in the back of my mind, I will mentally note someone: (ugly car, pretty girl, ugly boy, etc...)

Then, maybe an hour or two later, ill be on another side of town and see that same stranger, whether at an intersection, in a store, etc...

One comedian refered to this as "God running out of extras in the movie of my life."


tnmommieof2 said...

i know exactly what you mean. its like...are you following me?? or am i following you?

bigsip said...

The Matrix has you, man. I think it's just that we note something and are therefore more likely to notice it again. I've had it happen to me, too. Tis weird.

bigsip said...

Jamison, you know I love you, right? You spelled "familiar" wrong, my friend.

helps me out a lot.

JS said...

i spell lots of words wrong... im still trying to get used to spelling tomorrow... i still want to say tomarrow.

JS said...

oh and sip... you are an administrator too... feel free to edit the post. I know misspellings can bother engish majors :)

bigsip said... will change it, sir. I would have changed it right away, but I didn't want to mess with your post before asking.

Mat Brewster said...

I get that a lot too. In Strasbourg I used to not run into strangers again that often, but people I knew. With suburbs the city has like half a million people, yet a few times a month I'd stumble into a friend.


Diana said...

I've never had that happen. Maybe I'm just oblivious.