Tuesday, July 19, 2005

River City Competition

My lovely wife just called me and told me that I had received two books and a letter from River City Publishing telling me that they are reviewing Runaway Swimmer in the River City Publishing best first novel competition. I got the two books for free for entering. They are copies of a short story collection and a novel by Fred Bonnie, the posthumously published author for whom the contest was named. Anyway, I'll find out in September if I won or not. If I do, I'll be a bona fide published author! If not, I will keep trying.


Mat Brewster said...

Good news yon Sipper. Hope you win.

bigsip said...

Thanks! Me too. I'm hopeful, but realistic about it. There could be as many as 300 entries and mine is historical fiction. It's literary as well, but looks more historical and therefore will not bear up against the literary peices as much as I'd like. But, you never know. We shall soon see!

mullinz8 said...

Way to go. Once your published you're going to throw a nice party right?

bigsip said...

Dude, it'll be a bash! Probably have a big get-together in Luverne with a music making and watermelon and home made ice cream! You're all invited, of course. If it happens, that is.

JS said...

watermellon? Im there.

bigsip said...

Well, gte on those prayers for me to win this contest then, mister! We have music to make and watermelon to eat!

Diana said...
