Thursday, July 07, 2005

Personality Test

Here's a bit of fun. Go to this website and take the tests. I was able to do some in-depth studies on perosonality tests when I was in grad school. It's pretty interesting. According to this test, I am a Rationalist Fieldmarshall (efficient, natural born leader who has trouble seeing other points of view). I already knew this, but I'm also very high on the introspective end. It is amazing some of the stuff you can learn about yourself, though. It isn't 100% accurate, but might help guide some introspection about who you are and why you might do some things certain ways or think in a particular way. Take it and post your findings!

1 comment:

bigsip said...

I am Narcissistic, too by the way. Actually, all of these things could be called "tendencies". I have tendencies toward being a leader, rational, and narcissistic. I like knowing that kind of stuff because then I can combat the bad attributes (rigid, unmovable, prideful) of being like that and appreciate the good attributes (confidence, trustworthy, firm in values an beliefs). Knowing yourself is a great positive in your spiritual life, I think.