Tuesday, July 26, 2005


My Mom is staying with us for a couple of days this week while she undergoes a stress test for her heart. The doctors have all indicatedthat they think she's fine, but she is sconsidering a job change and wants to make sure she is in fine health before making a move and losing insurance for any length of time. She and Dad will be able to pick it up, but there's going to be a window no matter what. Anyway, my whole point in saying that Mom is visiting is that she told me last night that she has begu to write her memoirs; her "life story" as she put it. This made me giddy! My Mom is like a walking dictionary/thesaurus on steroids. She has read hundreds, perhaps thousands of books in her lifetime. She keeps a journal, but she has never really written much in the way of stories. She is a good story-teller, but is an introvert, so we haven't really gotten the full story of Mom. I just remember her reading to us constantly as we grew up and correcting our grammar and speech. She helped us learn to read and analyze and write for beauty, love, and precision. I have finished two novels, dozens of short stories and poems, papers galore, and talked to her through it all, asking her for advice, editorial and practical. I have also encouraged her to write. I think I even got to the point where I bugged and perhaps even insisted that she write. Of course, she just laughed and said she should. Now, finally, after all these years, she's doing it!!! I will finally get to read my Mom! This is a truly great moment in my life.

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