Saturday, September 03, 2005


***Warning, clicking on the below link may not be appropriate while at work when your boss is standing over your shoulder****

My boss's daughter apparently did some performing for the Girls Gone Wild video series.

She's pictured on the cover of one of their newest videos here. It is a censored pick, but still probably not what you want other to see you looking at.

I am in a moral dillema over whether or not I should tell my boss about it.


JS said...

best bet is to print it off on a color printer and leave it on his car windshield... or pop it in his work box when no one is looking.

first thing he will want to know is how YOU found out.

Mat Brewster said...

The boss is actually a woman.

I found out because a coworker saw this girl on a Girls Gone Wild commercial on late night TV.

Diana said...

Isn't it funny how society automatically assumes that someone's boss is a MAN?
Hmm, just a thought.
Actually I wouldn't say anything at all because chances are she'll find out sooner or later by seeing the commercial.

JS said...

i assumed the boss was a man due to my sociological situations. In every job I have ever had, the boss has been a man... my boss at my Lenscrafters job left and was repalced by a woman. She turned out to be the worst manager I have ever worked under. I soon quit as a result of her managerial skills. I learned later that 3 other people quit because of her as well. It had nothing to do with her being a woman, she was simply horrible at her job and made me hate mine.

Mat Brewster said...

Interesting because, with the exception of Stephen Elrod, all of my bosses have been women. And I've been lucky in that almost all of them have been really terrific. The only lousy boss I ever had was a lady at Alstate who was a pretty rotten person in general, and a lousy boss.

bigsip said...

Yeah, leave a copy of the pic for her so she can know what her daughter has been up to. The girl's probably too far gone, but her mom might be able to straighten her out if you act now.

mullinz8 said...

I think it's funny that you actually consider Elrod a man. I would be totally embarrassed if I found out my daughter was on something like that but and then even more so if I found out someone at work knew. If she doesn't know maybe it's best. If the girl is 18 she's legally an adult and responsible for her own actions no matter how stupid they might be. Maybe the kid was striking out against her mom and knew this would get her. Maybe she's a stupid drunk with a repressed ego that found a glimmer of twisted expressionism. I'd let the boss continue being blissfully ignorant. Plus what if she were to actually see you mailing the images to her or find out someway. Then you would have crushed her and become the perv.

bigsip said...

Mullins is probably right. Her Mom will probably find out anyway. If she does, it'll probably be a sad day.

Mat Brewster said...

The daughter is starting her junior year at college and is a definite party girl. I'm sure the video was taken on some drunken spring break.

Funny thing is, I don't think her mom was that much different when she was younger. She hasn't expressly told me so but from what I can tell mom used to be quite the party girl as well. This is gathered from bit comments hear and there about various drunkeness, parties and how she still wears short mini skirts and cleavage bearing shirts.

The daughter currently works at Hooters as well. So, while mom would be upset, I'm not so sure it would be that great a shock to her.

bigsip said...

Apple falls not far from the tree...

mullinz8 said...

Showing those apples is what that girls all about. Sadly if she could find a way to re-circulate that money back to her it might be someway worth it but it's just going to go to buy that jerk another GGW jet and hummer. Likewise getting hummers is what it was all about for him too.