Tuesday, September 27, 2005

An Example -- Archeological Expedition

Four hundred years ago, Native Americans ruled what we now know as America. They lived by the land and died by the land. They made beautiful art with such skill that even our modern day artisans cannot exactly reproduce it. They are priceless treasures, made by people who understood and cherished this place perhaps more than we ever could.

But, did you know that it's entirely possible, and even likely, that you could unearth some of these ancient works of skill within merely miles from your own home?

In fact, an increasing number of people are discovering such items as ancient pottery, stone axe heads (or celts), spear heads, and arrowheads on their own or adjoining property!

Alabama native and Cherokee descendent Charles Sipper has discovered over one hundred artifacts ranging from basic grinding stones and arrowheads to fine spearheads and celts withing walking distance of his rural Alabama farm.

"My family has hunted those fields for five generations," says Sipper.

But, how does one go about finding arrowheads? One might ask. It's much simpler than you might imagine!

"Our system has worked for over a hundred years," Sipper says.

"All you need is a four foot stick, a good bucket, and a plowed field."

As we stolled across the field, located in a low area near a local creek, Sipper explains the perfect conditions for hunting arrowheads.

"Prime condiitons include having and field that has recently been bottom-plowed and has been drenched by a good, hard rain. The bottom-plow turns the earth over well and the rain washes the dirt form the rocks, allowing you to pick them out. Then, you use your stick to check out whether you've found a rock or a leaf before you bend down to pick it up and place it in your bucket."

Mr. Sipper adds that a sunny day is best, too, since the rock will usually showw up better in the sun.

But, what about people living in towns and cities?

"Consider how much earth is turned during the building of houses in towns and cities," says Sipper. "You can find more artifacts after a good rain there that you might out here."

Since most cities would be located on old Indian camp sites, due to prime location factors, this proves to be true!

"It makes me sad that so much of those old artifacts are being covered by parking lots, though. I hope more people find them before they're all paved over," cites Sipper.

Finding these priceless artifacts is within your reach. All you have to do, is look!


mullinz8 said...

Nice post Sipper.

lilsip said...

thanks...this is an example of what we could do for an adventure in your back yard. something low-cost, exciting, and interesting! we all have pastimes, interests, and a way to express them. what do y'all think? Jamison could do fishing articles/tips, Brew movies, Charlie, comics, Mullins entertainment, dunno if Chuck would be able to or want to do anything...up to him....i'd love to write whatever, though! what do y'all say?!?!?

lilsip said...

this is sip, btw.

Mat Brewster said...

This is a fine post. we used to dig up lots of old arrowheads in the hills of Oklahoma. There are a few old Indian burial mounds that have loads of stuff.

Rachel? Josh? Who is who? Josh's personality on Rachel's head....ah too much!!

Sipper, if you want to put it all together, do it. Find the space, design the sucker and give us assignments.

JS said...

behind the house i mostly grew up in was a creek, about a mile back. Me and dad would take our chocolate lab and throw stick in the creek and watch er dive off a 10 foot cliff into the water... around this creek we found civil war era canon ball shells...

bigsip said...

OK, the site is pretty much ready for prime time. We need to write articles to cover our topics. First we need to settle on topics, though!

Diana said...

Josh grew pretty long red hair.
I loved that post and it sounds like fun.
I have always wanted to get a metal detector and go down to the beach.

bigsip said...

I love arrowhead hunting! It's very much like fishing to me. Long perios of nothing happening and then sudden elation!

It's really cool, too. You get to keep it, it doesn't need to be gutted or cooked, and it lasts virtually forever!

Anyway, it's something lots of folks would enjoy and it's easy to do.