Monday, September 12, 2005


I found this on a German website with a lot of other too creepy for me to deal with critters. It's hard for me to imagine a snail this big but there are a lot of things I've never seen before. I tried to link...


JS said...

why do most of the posts that Mullins puts up start out with the sentence "I found this on a german website"?
Is there more about germany that you are keeping from us?

bigsip said...

Aren't Germans into weird animal stuff (beastiality)? Mullins is just coming across the wrong stuff in his searches (j/k). Pretty cool though, Mullins!

mullinz8 said...

Well I’ve always said I liked the kinky stuff. NASTY. What’s the job about the architect? A guy spends his entire life building ornate and beautiful buildings, true lasting monuments to the feats and abilities of man in all of his God given creative abilities across the country but the one thing he’s remember for is one drunken night with a goat. I case you hadn’t heard that joke before.
Actually looking at this picture I started thinking about evolution and the “great” animals of the past millennia. This snail is a fossil waiting to happen because it’s thought that animals in those prehistoric times were giants and they were all wiped out, nothing big could have survived a mass extinction yet we still have crocs, roaches and giant snails. So much for modern science…

bigsip said...

Cool thoughts, Mullins. I guess scientists assume that nothing "big" can last if dinos can't. Seems like a tenuous position to me.