Saturday, September 03, 2005

Is This Who I Think It Is?

Click here to find out.

The bio says she grew up in Alabama, so I'm guessing it is. But my memory of the face is long gone, so I can't be sure. You can listen to audio clips of her music, which for my money is pretty weak.

And do the words "dry humping" come to mind to anyone else here?


JS said...

yes, it is shana sharp, she lives in new york...
After she graduated HS we stayed in touch.I assume She pretty much makes money waiting tables.
Yes we dry humped back in the faulkner days. it wasnt that enjoyable.

bigsip said...

Her music isn't enjoyable either. Rachel and I listened to a couple of songs, hoping that we would find something redeeming in her music. We didn't.

JS said...

I think she is one of those people that surrounded herself with people who kept saying "Your music is awesome! You should go to new york!" and so she did and probably will bite the head off of anyone who gives any sort of advice short of praise.
Now she probably surrounds herself with people that do the same to her...

Can we change the subject? Its topic is making mt stomach ache...