Friday, June 24, 2005

Writer's Digest

I subscribed to Writer's Digest magazine a couple of months ago and suddenly felt compelled to give a short review of the periodical.

The articles in Writer's Digest give in-depth, entertaining, and informative layouts of how to be the best writer you can be. Articles ranging from how to develop characters to writing software adorn this storehouse of penmanship. There are also articles that deal mostly with how to publish and promote your work. Thses are truly gems to be cherished by the beginning, unpublished writer. They give inside information from the experts about obtaining agents, writing queries, and making the most of your manuscript. The only drawbacks (that are really not noticeable in this magazine, but ever-present) are the advertisements for vanity presses. This, however, is a necessary evil due to the sponsorship needed to continue publishing a fine and informative magazine such as this, that nevertheless has a low readership. The end analysis of Writer's Digest bears forth it's wealth of information and knowledge from experts, beginning authors, and seasoned authors, thereby creating within itself the means by which we who treasure the quill might reveal our creations to humanity.


JS said...

I even picked up one of these mags when using Sippers toilet. Easy and informative reads, even for the non-writer.

bigsip said...

Yeah, Rachel loves it! Cool thing is that the info applies to other people who submit stuff for publishing like artists, musicians, etc.