Monday, June 20, 2005

catching up

Midnight Cafe Discussions
Midnight Cafe Discussions

Hey guys so I'm on and I think I'd much rather lay myself open on the blog rather than on the all seeing computer network of Scripps email.
Jamison, beautiful story about your grandmother. Save it some place where it will last. I wrote something for my stepfather’s funeral sort of along the same lines that was much more of a remembrance than a golly I'm sorry we're all at a funeral. I was obviously but funerals are all about contradictive thoughts when someone has been suffering.
About the death and dieing. It's something you have to face. I've always had different thoughts about death because I never saw myself getting really old. I think I would like to do out like Jamison, quickly before becoming frail. What will get to you is when you have to look down the barrel.
For instance. I went to the doctor to get some Alegra while I was there the nurse noted how high my blood pressure was. When the doctor came in we talked about the Alegra and then he said, "So about this blood pressure, what are we going to do?" I told him that I was trying to start losing weight blaa blaa blaa. The long and short of it is that I'm the perfect situation away from becoming Chuck’s neighbor that dropped dead a couple of months ago. I'm now taking meds for my ticker and I'm going to start losing weight because if I didn't do anything and I didn't stroke out or suddenly drop dead I'd start taking decades off the end of my life, which basically means that I'm bound to drop dead any minute. This sort of thing really helps you keep a perspective on things. EAch hug to my boys takes a bit longer now.


JS said...

ok, ill drive faster to west virginia so we can some see you sooner... dont drop dead before I come see you, you Bastage!

bigsip said...

Wow, Mullins! You take care of that heart. You have a big one, and I'd hate to see it lose any of it's verve! Hug those boys tight, then eat some omega-3 acids for supper and get a jogging stroller or bike trailer and tow the kids along. I have been doing that and went from a chunky 185 to a much leaner, meaner 173!

JS said...

i can wear 32 in ch jeans now (see blog photos...)

dont know how ive done it, i guess it was the South Beach Diet

Mat Brewster said...

I first read this as I went to the doctor for some algebra. I couldn't figure out what you were doing at a doctor's office looking for algebra and had to get your blood pressure checked out.

Mullins, take care of yourself. From now one, every morning we're going for a jog. Toast and fruit for breakfast. Etc.

JS said...

actually, I remember algebra, and more specifically, business calculus making my blood preasure go very high

bigsip said...

Mullins, I command you to never do algebra again! That stuff will send you to an early grave. For real, bro. Take care and lose that weight. You can do it, baby!

JS said...

you may not want wieght loss tips, but the south beach diet has took me from 190 to 160 in a period of maybe 6 months... it is VERY healthy... it is not a bacon and egg diet... you will have to cut out juices, but you will be able to eat fruit.. too much sugar in juice

JS said...

okay, actually i started it a year ago... so it took longer than 6 actually TRYING to gain wieght and cant seem to do it, all my unhealthy cravings are gone, yet I still enjoy sweets now and then.