Tuesday, November 15, 2005

I'm So Proud...

of my wife! Hopefully she won't kill me for posting this. I just think she's doing a great job!Check out these websites she's been building! They aren't complete, yet. But, she has really done a lot to them thus far and they look very nice and professional in my opinion.

This one is a site about kids and money management.

This one is a site for a lady who embroiders stuff on purses, clothes, etc.

Enjoy! They should be completely functional before too long!


JS said...

those really do look wonderful... i seriously may get her to make my site for showing off my art.

One thing to keep in mind when doing this. I did a few for some people and they always wanted me to change stuff. Best bet is to make a deal with them; make the site, let them look at it and offer changes. Do those changes for free. Any changes after that are charged hourly...

Better yet, offer 10 hours a year of changes for free... $100 an hour after that. Otherwise, they get use to it being free and ask for changes daily.

whats she charge? im interested (I hate making websites)

bigsip said...

I'll let her talk about the charges. She has all the business side worked out pretty well. She has contracts, plans, design notebooks, color ways...she's hooked-up, dude!

bigsip said...

Where the heck is everybody?!?!?!

JS said...

Im planning a Christmas miracle, writting articles, I just put 8 items on eBay, not to mention my day job...

I have about 3 blogs floating around in my head, just can't decide if they will just be taking up space. And can't really find the drive to stop what I am doing to write them...

No good dreams lately. Did dream last night I was fishing with Dan Tyminski (Lead guitar for Alison Krauss and Union Station). He was really cool. Funny because I don't really go ga-ga over him, but I enjoyed his company. I remember we fished with a lavander colored crawfish jig. Odd because I never fish with crawfish because they never catch anything.

bigsip said...

You keep bumping into famous people in your dreams. Wonder what that means?

I think it's funny that you remember that y'all were specifically fishing with a lavender crawfish jig. I'm happy to just remember a dream at all!

Everything for me here at work is ssslllooowwww right now. I guess everyone else is just busy. Oh well. Y'all start talking again soon. I'm getting lonely!

JS said...

larissa told me with a guilty smile last night that she worked a total of about 30 minutes yesterday... i told her not to feel bad about it, her company will be owing her for months for that one 27 hour day she pulled...

she actually left the hose after 7am this morning, thats sleeping in big time for her.

bigsip said...

HAHA! I think that's great.

She deserves some time. She actually seems more relaxed, too.

I just heard her joking and laughing a minute ago with some of her co-workers. They all seem to be relaxing a bit, which is good.

Hey, can y'all make it to the music making? Did you get my email about that? I need to mention it Thursday night, too.

JS said...

yep, ill be there, and i will invite my folks too!

bigsip said...

That is most excellent!

'Twill be a good ole time, my friend!

tnmommieof2 said...

they look great!! i actually think i might go on and buy one of those bags...they're cute...

bigsip said...

She has some good stuff, doesn't she?

How're y'all doing, Julianna? Hven't heard from your hubby all week. Haven't heard from Brew, either.

Kinda weird. I'm used to blogging with them most every day!

Take care and y'all have a great T-day.

tnmommieof2 said...

yeah i know..we've been busy this week....today is the first time i've actually logged on to the internet since last friday....all is well though...ya'll need to ask matt about his meeting with our elders concerning his missionary show...it was interesting...

bigsip said...

Interesting=good or Interesting=bad?

I'm severely curious now!

bigsip said...


Mat Brewster said...

Yep, sorry folks, I've been really busy lately too. Work has been stressing. We've been going through this major audit that the bank makes us do now.

So I've been working extra hours trying to prepare for it.

bigsip said...

Hang in there Brew! It'll all be an unhappy memory soon.

tnmommieof2 said...

oh, it was very good interesting...
i've been telling him he needs to blog it, but i guess the motorcycle
thing takes precedence over his talent and career...

JS said...

I can not resist... everyday I scroll down and I see the title of this post and the same song runs through my head... but that is okay because I like George Jones;

"If ya told me that cha luved me I would feel so proud, if ya let me hold ya hunny, i'd haller out loud!"

But you have to say "Proud" like George Jones says it: Pre-eowed:

bigsip said...

Dang! Tel Mullins to blog the elders meeting!!!

I am proud of her...Cain't help it!