Monday, September 04, 2006

Rest In Peace Crocodile Hunter

Steve Irwin 1962 - 2006



JS said...

I hate to sound unsensitive, but did a croc kill him?

Mat Brewster said...

No it was a blood sting ray. Its stinger stabbed him straight through the heart. Apparently only a few people have died by stingray too. The man wrastled crocks, hippos and deadly snakes and gets offed by a stingray!

JS said...

Then I would say he outlived his life-expectancy by 3-fold. Though in a way, you have to envy him; In his 44 years, he did more, saw more, and visited more places on earth than all of us will in our combined lives. I'd say as far as earthly desires and dreams go, he died happy.

Though you have to wonder why he was holding a sting ray so close to his chest...

kellieja said...

I dont watch the news. What would I do without the midnight cafe discussions. Without them I would have never know that bloke died. BLESS HIS HEART!

JS said...

10 points to Kellie for proper use of the word bloke and the phrase "Bless his heart".

And without the midnight cafe you would be a desolate wasteland of misinformation destined to become a barren cesspool good for nothing but decay and disease. I have forseen it.

Ryan F. said...

I heard he was a member of the Church. Just kidding. But, don't be surprised to hear that from somebody at church b/c we are famous for trying to make people Church of Christ.

Diana said...

Wierd Al's a member of the church. So is Kevin Federline. And Marilyn Manson.

JS said...

dont forget the Olsen twins and Bono....

bigsip said...

...and Jeffrey Dahmer...oh, wait...

JS said...

Salmon Rushdie too...
there, I am sure we are going to be probed by the feds for having that on our blog page now....

mullinz8 said...

I’m crushed to have heard this; thankfully I didn’t hear it here first. They were rolling tape when he got stung and there is talk about airing the footage because it’s what he would have wanted. There is even a quote of him telling his producers that if a croc is chewing him up he want’s to be heard saying, “So as I’m about to be eaten alive…”

He was a rare talent, very knowledgeable about his trade, socially aware of his position, and a wonderful character too.

I for one will actually miss knowing he’s out there being crazy.

It should be noted he left behind a wife a daughter (8) and a son (3).

Hell of a way to go, I hope we’re all so lucky to go out doing something we love, then again sleeping peacefully is something I love too.