With Brew leaving for a first-time traveling experience in literally hours, I thought I would post a blog being that I am in a somewhat similar "First time travel experience" situation as well...
My wife, child, and myself will all be going to my parents home in Tennessee this weekend. The idea is so that, of course, my mom and dad can spend time with thier grand son, and that my wife and I can go out that night.
Those without kids do not realize what a task this will be. Even as my wife and I decided
yesterday that we would go take our son to visit them, the fullness of the situation didn't hit us immediately. And before I had this child, I would have just thought "Toss some diapers in a bag, a bottle, a jug of 1% milk and go". After having some dinner at home, we began to think it over. Thoughts turned to paper and pen, paper and pen turned into hands on head eyes widening.
Eventually my wife spoke up and said "Do you remember how Josh and Rachel had an entire suitcase for Luke when we went to Disney World and how we couldn't understand how a baby could need so much?" I agreed, and we both began to feel like the Sips actually packed light for their child on that trip...
So, rather than go in alone on this, I would take suggestions from the panel of experts at my disposal. I know there are a great many men my age with kids reading this. Those who frequent this blog, I expect nothing less than advice. Those lurkers out there, feel free to comment. Women, of course, are welcome to comment just as much as the men.
It is becoming all too clear in my mind that it will be alot more convenient for my parents to visit us for the next year or so than for us to visit them, though, the drive must be made, and often... adults can turn insane when they are turned into grand parents.
That's a cute kid! First time I've seen a pic. WTG on the bebbe.
I don't have kids, nor have I traveled with them, so I have very limited advice.
What I will say is take everything you want and can fit in your car. If it makes you or Larissa feel better on your first outing, then it is worth taking.
Also realize that things will be ok. You've made that trip a million times, you'll make it again. It will be stressful for sure, but God's watching out.
We've been on one overnight trip with Harrison so far. For me, it was just like packing one huge diaper bag. My child is relativley low maintence, however. When a friend of mine travels, she has to take everything, including their swing. Go with what Brew says and take however much makes you comfortable. The only thing Charlie and I took outside of clothes/ diapers was the Boppy pillow. If you use yours a lot, you'll know what a marvelous item it is. We didn't take a pack n play because my aunt bought us one when we arrived.
P.S. As far as the actual driving part (my aunt is 3 hours away), I pulled over to feed/ change diaper/ cuddle in the car if it was convenient, and also took a few bottles of pumped milk. Mostly Harrison slept the whole way, but he got a little fussy here and there. Nothing pulling over and picking up for a few minutes can't cure. :) You'll be fine.
Well, we use this cool bottle warmer the sips gave us, we would wanna take that, of course bottles. Larissa pumps and feeds Tyler, he doesnt feed off the boob well, that we have to print the pump. So that fact alone causes alot of packing. If he would feed off of her and not get frustrated to the point of sheer, uncontrolable crying that wears him out before he has a chance to finish eating, it wouldnt be an issue :(
If you have read "The baby whisperer" our baby is classified as "grumpy old man" but the photos I take of him wouldnt prove that, as you can see in the one pic on this blog, he looks like a happy angel... he has his moments.
Di, out of curiosity, how long did the typical 3 hour drive take you?
No, what is the baby whisperer?? Good thing you guys have the super- nice breast pump. I've got the same one and I love it. Especially since I'm starting my teaching job next Monday. Is there anything you guys need???
The trip took about 3 1/2 hours I would say. We didn't have to stop much. Just once for a changing/ feeding.
Baby whipserer is a pretty good book by this brittish lass whos job is to go to new moms homes and show them how to calm their baby down...
In some ways, she is quite militant and cold... but she has many suggestions in the book that are very helpful and very good.
If you do ebay, buy the book on ebay (we did). Books typically go for a song on ebay. I think we paid a dollar plus 4 bucks to ship it to us.
We really dont need anything unless you want to give us your van.
The breast pump has been nice, but sometimes we wish he would just breast feed. SOmetimes, after a bottle, if he acts really hungry still, lairssa will feed him via boob, and he does okay, but only because he is half full....
If you're like me, I hate stopping on trips. I want to get there asap. Go ahead and get that out of your mind. Stop as many times as needed and plan on it taking you an extra hour or so.
Also, as Tyler gets older, I would invest in a DVD player. Not necessarily a need, but it has saved us on trips. Will will sit and watch video after video and not fuss near as much as if he was just sitting there doing nothing.
It also helps if you plan to leave around the time that he might take a nap. It is wonderful if he will sleep the first hour or so of the trip.
I'll have to get that book. Harrison is an excellent baby. he eats and sleeps very well 90 % of the time. Sometimes he has tummy issues, though, sort of like colic, but not as bad. Maybe she has tips for that.
Breastfeeding is a lot more difficult than most people realize. Harrison does really well, but every now and then he'll get frustrated or not latch on correctly. That's a really difficult thing for a new mom to deal with. Has Larissa considered seeing a lactation consultant?
Sorry to turn this into the boobie blog, BTW.
Hey, Jamison, when Charlie and I go to Alabama, do you want to go to TCB?? (Small joke to annoy Charlie)
YCB, taco bell, yes.
we arent going to bother with breast feeding. SOme people make it out to be a tragedy that our son wont feed off the breasts, but honestly, we dont care. he is getting her milk, and I can feed him this way, and larissa goes back to work this week. Wehn we try to get tyler to feed, he is grumpy the whole day, diuaper changes are a pain, bathing is a nightmare, holding him does little. When we went to eh bottle, everything about him changed as he wasnt crying as much.
We thought he had colic too. We found all sorts of ways to calm him. I think it just depends on the baby. Mylioon literally works like magic, no matter what your doctor may say. In fact, sometimes, when tyler is fighting sleep and not taking his passy, we will just dab the passy tip with a drop of mylicon and it allows him to want to suck it and then he will go to sleep.
Wrong, bad, terrible? Honestly, we dont care. he just rolled over on his own yesterday, can push his enter body with his legs, can hold his nexk up on his own and look around no problems, so i am sure we have a pretty healthy baby, if not very strong (and VERY strong willed).
And yeah Ryan, I was wondering how much longer the tripo would take. I do like to gte there ASAP but now days, for safety, I am sure to drive slower and make AT LEAST one stop.
Im really looking for tips on what to pack and bring too.
If you're asking mostly about packing advice, I would suggest bringing plenty of blankets and burp cloths. You know how messes go with babies. Don't overpack those, though, since you can do some laundry at your partents' place.
Also, make sure you have plenty of bottles. I know I'm probably overstating the obvious, but this is justmy thoughts off the topof my head.
Iam NOT suggesting this, but Bryan Jurkofsky told me a story once about a trip he and his family had to take to Arkansas when their son was a little baby. Bryan knew he'd cry most of the way, so they asked their doctor's advice. H told them to give the baby a little Benadryl (don't recall the dose).Bryan said it worked wonders.
My adivice echoes Ryan's. Plan on extra time. Enjoy the extra road rest ans try to stay relaxed. Remember, babies can sense tension and frustration. Ibelieve they can even smell it from across the room. Just relax and try to enjoy the trip. Take it slow and easy, then enjoy having some time off for good behavior while R and R watch the beautiful boy. Take care, my friend!
Diana...NEWS FLASH!!!!
We WILL behere on LaborDay weekend, ify'all still want to come then. I repeat, WE WILL be here on LDW!
My parents are actually going to SC formy Grandmother's 80th bday so my bro and his fam are not coming. We are free as the wind blows!
Good grief my last comment was full of typos. of course I did it after a new-fathers-nights-rest so what do ya expect?
To aleiviate any confusion, yes, Tyler only eats my wifes breasts milk, but gets to it via a bottle.
Tyler was awake for most of church today. But you wouldnthave known it. It was a wonderful thing because my wife and I, weeeks ago, had come to the sad conclution that our baby had colic. I looked at larissa today and said "Our baby doesnt have colic!" Larissa has cut out dairy. 100%. And nothing spicey, no peper, no onions. And she drinks chamomile tea before her nightly pumping. And Tyler has imprved. She gets calcium via soy milk which isnt too bad if you get the vanilla flavor.
And Di, we will be here labor day too. But my in laws will be at our house. BUT in NO WAY does that mean you cant come over and see Tyler. We would all go to Sips, but I can assure you my mother in law will want to keep Tyler. It would be fun, but you wouldnt see Tyler that way, unless of course you waited till Sunday morning.
In any case, please include us in any activities and have Stubbs bring one Wii remote with your Mii's loaded on it.
Off topic, but Jamison mentioned soy. Awhile back I switched to soy milk. I very unscientifically decided I was slightly lactose intolerant and the soy has improved my...um bathroom needs a great deal.
its the fiber in it
I'm totally trying the mylicon on the passy thing. Jamison, you guys are great parents. It sounds like you are both really working hard at this whole thing. Our babies sound very much alike, minus the grumpy while breastfeeding thing. Harrison is also very strong, and strong-willed. He's also VERY alert. He just sort of looks around a lot and takes everything in.
Awesome news on the Labor day thingy. Charlie and I will look into it. Thanks guys!
I'm totally trying the mylicon on the passy thing. Jamison, you guys are great parents. It sounds like you are both really working hard at this whole thing. Our babies sound very much alike, minus the grumpy while breastfeeding thing. Harrison is also very strong, and strong-willed. He's also VERY alert. He just sort of looks around a lot and takes everything in.
Awesome news on the Labor day thingy. Charlie and I will look into it. Thanks guys!
I have also heard fo something called "Gripe Water" but our ped claims it, nor mylicon, do not work. I prove him wrong.
Mylicon is, supposedly, completely safe. But pricey. But when Tyler is tired and just wont settle down, much less take a passy, we put half a drop on the passy, and put it in his mouth, when he realizes the taste, he sucks the passy, which calms him down, and lseep isnt far behind.
I welcome any and all tips too.
I have used these odd little things called Colic Tablets. I bought ours from Kmart. I think they work about the same as Mylicon. They're these little white pill looking things that disolve in their mouth. I usually disolve them in my mouth first though, as I find that works easier. I like Mylicon more, though. Easier to use...
Our get the fussy baby to sleep trick sounds sort of mean but it works on Harrison. He is a very active baby, was in the womb, and is now. So when he's tired fussy, he flails his arms and legs which does nothing to solve the matter. So Charlie takes him to a dark. quiet room and holds him STILL and doesn't let him move. He cries for a few seconds, but is usually asleep within a minute. Charlie is sort of the getter to sleeper in our house.
I tried that trick with Tyler once. If he suspects you are preventing him from moving his legs or arms (he kicks VERY hard) he screams at the top of his lungs. I tried it for about 3 minutes and I thought he would cry his inards inside out.
Lots of info in this one! My suggestion is if you think you might need something, I would definitely bring it, even if you don't end up using it.
Also, one of the many "helpful" books out there in dealing with baby suggested using a sheet to hold the baby in so tight that their arms and legs won't flail around to wake them. Didn't try it but it makes sense. Glad we finally got to see Tyler for a second. He's a cutie!
All went well! we are in my parents home now!
Ty was a dream during the trip. We stoipped to feed him once and one other time he pooped his heart out. He was so happy after mount saint poopie, but was a nightmare when we had to change him. Oh well.
And so far we havent come acorss anything that we wished we had brought. Thanks for everyones advice! Hopefully we will hook up with the Mullins and have dinner while nana and papa watch the wee boy.
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