Tuesday, February 26, 2008

If Life Hands You Lemons...Run!

Don't think I'll ever do that again.


JS said...

I hooked you up Chuck, a simple search on "lemon study" on youtube... took 9 seconds to post.

Yeah, im done with lemons

kermitgrn said...

Thanks Friend! But I have to admit. I went to Cracker-Barrel Yesterday. I did not ask for lemon, but one was in my water. I did not send it back, it was only a small lemon.

btw, thw word verification was "Bzaly". Wish there'd been an "r" where the "z" was.

JS said...

NO WAY on the word ver! mine right now is nmmmamn... say that 3 times fast.

Ill tkae a lemon if it is given to me, sure. I mean really, i am sure there are gemrs on all fruit skins, yet we eat apples...