Friday, March 17, 2006


I just found one of the funniest stories on the net I have seen in a while...

It is VERY much like the prank we pulled on Chuck back int he college days, using AOL.

This is genius, low-down, dirty, and mean, but genius....

Click here

The best part is that youll read about a phone number on a sign.. it is actually the players phone number... the handing out of the chat transcripts is just plain wrong! But funny....


bigsip said...

Dang! That's cruel. Funny, though.

mullinz8 said...

Talk about getting into your opponents head!

You see though, we were also pioneers in a sense. It was over a decade later with a flood of internet activity that these folks have caught our mischievous internet karma and run it forward to victory pulling the uber-scam!

The picture is priceless too.

tnmommieof2 said...


who was it that you guys pranked by
putting something in the shower head? i seem to remember it was
hot cocoa mix or something like that? and didn't you all move
someone's car and make them think it was stolen???

silly boys!

JS said...

Pat Tidwell or Ryan Loundon (Whoever got in the shower first)

I learned this prank form someone else, but we unscrewed their showerhead, put powered hot chocolate mix it it, then put it back on.

The person who showered (Think it was Tidwell) got a Willy Wonka-esque bathing experience.

bigsip said...

Bet that turned Ryan on...hear he likes "black tail".

tnmommieof2 said...

yeah..i heard that one too...

you guys were MEAN!!!!!!


JS said...

not as mean as the guys who found a opossum "Playin' possum" and thought it was dead so they put it in a guys bathroom... when that guy went to the bathroom later on that night, he found a opossum hissing at him in the corner next to the toilet.