Thursday, November 16, 2006

Shake Your Money Maker

Just a little job update:

I may have mentioned this already, but last Thursday evening in my class at Faulkner, I mentioned my need for employment to one of my students. She happens to be in the Air National Guard at Dannelly ANG Base here in Montgomery, so I asked her about possible positions thhere. She said they are starting a new program called the National Youth ChalleNGe. It's a program for kids who have dropped out of school and want to get their GED in an environment of discipline, care, and organization.

She got in touch with the lady who takes the resumes while I ran across the hall to the computer lab to print my resume. I brought it back to her and she said she'd take the resume straight to the top; a Colonel in charge of hiring for the program.

I got an email from my student today. She told me that she had taken my resume to the Colonel and to an Information Systems group out on Base.

I asked her to take an updated Resume and Cover Letter to the Colonel, which she graciously did. She emailed me back a little while later and said she gave them to the Colonel and she was very interested!

Y'all please continue to pray for the right thing, but I'd really love to do this job!


Judy said...

Long time no read--or write!

So you're out of a job... What happened with your old one? Of course, you probably posted that somewhere else, but I've been gone-quite obvious, huh!

Anyway, hope this job works out for you. So, National Youth ChalleNGe--is that supposed to be spelled that way, for NG I take it. Aren't I the brightest thing you ever did 'read?'

bigsip said...


I wondered where you went.

Yes, it's supposed to be spelled that way. The "NG" indicates that the National Guard heads the program.

I have been doingg lots of reading on it and it's a great program!

I'm getting laid off on Dec 15th at the latest. Contract at work ran out.

Glad you're back!

Judy said...

Hey, thanks Josh!

Glad to be back. Sorry to hear about your job. Though it didn't come as a surprise!?!? since the 'contract' ran up.

My hubby works for the civil service and he finally went "permanent" last year. Before that, it was supposedly a one year contract and they renewed it every year for about four years. Around here, they say that once one gets with the civil service (even temporarily) it's almost impossible to ever be out of a job.

Hope all goes well!